Cyprian, JC and Jim

The vision is for Cameroon to have strong, self-sustaining congregations in each and every province. The local churches will have their own elders, deacons and preachers who are leading the church. The monetary support of Cameroonian preachers would also slowly shift over a ten year time span as the congregation grows and becomes self-sustaining. This vision includes eventually reaching a point when American help is no longer needed and the church in Cameroon will be able to stand on its own with the help of the Lord.


We hope to accomplish this dream in the following ways: DLA airport

  • Support Local Preachers
  • Support Student Preachers
  • Evangelistic Campaigns Led by Cameroonians
  • Leadership Training Seminars
  • Evangelistic Campaigns led by Americans
  • Church Buildings
  • Bible Tracts
  • World Bible School
  • Supplying Bibles and Song Books

Support Local Preachers

The average Cameroonian church initially has no means of supporting a preacher where he is able to devote full-time to the work. By supporting a preacher, we allow him to focus all of his energy on evangelizing and maturing his congregation. The goal is not to put preachers on 'lifetime' support but to provide a bridge whereby Americans initially support the preacher but over a period of time the local church becomes independent. At times we will engage a congregation in a contract in which over a 10 year period, the local church will take on more and more of the responsibility of caring for the preacher. We have recently entered into an agreement with a group of churches who are supporting one preacher who works with 6 congregations. Our goal is to look at each situation and assist the local church in becoming free of American support.

Evangelistic Campaigns Led by Cameroonians

Native campaigns are designed for Cameroonian preachers to go into an area for approximately 10 days to 2 weeks and evangelize, baptize and disciple. These campaigns help the native brethren take ownership and responsibility for the growth of the church in Cameroon. In many ways native evangelistic campaigns are more important to the survival of the church than the American led evangelistic campaigns.

Native campaigns are vital because they:

  • Involve more brethren in the sharing of the gospel
  • Show the Cameroonians that they are not dependent upon Americans for the work of the church
  • Involve more Americans financially in reaching the lost
  • Shift the responsibility of evangelizing Cameroon from the Americans to the native brethren

Leadership Training Seminars

The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy in II Timothy 2:2 to entrust to faithful men those things which Paul had taught Timothy and for those men to teach others. The training seminars are viewed in the same way. Intensive training is conducted over five days by visiting Americans. There is one seminar conducted for the French side and one for the English.

The men are provided training for sermon and Bible class preparation, as well as overall study methods. The women train in areas such as evangelism, the roles of wives and mothers, how to teach children's Bible classes and more. Since the Cameroonian congregations don’t have established elders or deacons and many of the members are new converts, much effort needs to be put into nurturing these babes in Christ. The yearly seminars are essential to building the strength and knowledge of the Cameroonian congregations.

Here are a few comments from brethren who have attended the seminars:

Jean Claude & Mary“Continue in this same manner of visiting Cameroon by exercising your teaching experience. I am really impressed with the manner in which you presented your lessons. I wish you more grease to your elbows (that just means, “hey dude, cool job”).”

“Your coming and efforts to teach us to teach others are so instrumental in our spiritual growth and that of our children.”

“We are thankful for your concern for the churches of Christ in Cameroon for their growth. May God give you more strength and good health.”

“It would be a great improvement if this seminar could continue for one month.”

“When you go back to America do not forget to extend our Christian greetings to the elders, preachers and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for their love in Christ and their encouragement and support.”

“Please come again next year. These teachings are helping us to understand the need of serving God. They are also building us up spiritually.”

“The way you've been presenting your materials is excellent. This seminar has helped improve my knowledge of preaching.”

Evangelistic Campaigns Led by Americans

Evangelistic campaigns are led by Americans in conjunction with local congregations. Campaigners teach through one-on-one Bible studies, baptize, and integrate the new converts into the local church. They also worship with and preach to the local churches … doing everything possible to mature them during this two to three week time period. On a typical campaign the campaign team will work with anywhere from 12 to 18 congregations. These congregations will receive help via campaigns two years in a row.

Campaigns are conducted twice a year and there is always a need for campaigners and monetary support to send campaigners.

Church Buildings

In America, church congregations highly value the idea of a church building in which to meet. ItTwins is beneficial to the growth of a local congregation to have its own place of worship. Over the past 4 years we have constructed 4 church buildings. In our desire to encourage the native church to take on more and more of the responsibility of their work; we are now funding the roof of a building if we have the funds available. This places the majority of the 'load' on the Cameroonians.

Bible Tracts

The use of tracts in America is not what it once was. With the advent of modern technology, fewer and fewer people will take the time to read a Bible tract. Such is not the case in Africa. Regardless of how many tracts are available, French and English Bible tracts are avidly read by Cameroonians and have a great impact. Thousands and thousands of tracts at a time will be sent to both the English and French regions in order to reach as many as possible.

World Bible School (WBS)

WBS lessons are currently used as evangelistic tools by the Cameroonian churches. English speaking students correspond with American teachers and French students work directly with local French speaking congregations. World Bible School has had a very positive affect teaching about Jesus in other countries. Hopefully many Cameroonians will come to Jesus through the teachings they receive in World Bible School. To learn more about the World Bible School organization, visit them online at

Supplying Bibles and Song Books

Bibles are supplied to new converts and used as an outreach method for the local congregations. They can be purchased in Cameroon for as little as $10 each.

Song books are needed in all of the existing congregations and for newly established congregations. They can be purchased in Cameroon for as little as $5 each or less.

Shipping costs from America to Cameroon are exorbitant and campaigners are limited in the amount of luggage they can bring without paying these shipping costs. It is less expensive to purchase these books in Cameroon than to ship new or used books from America.